Did you know that there are over 150 different allergens out there? Luckily they’re not around all of the time. Our handy calendar is here to guide you through the year, so you know what to expect, and when.
January allergies
The good news is that you’re unlikely to suffer from hayfever in January as there isn’t much tree pollen around, and no grass pollen.
However, this is when tree pollen season starts. From mid-late January, tree pollen season begins for hazel, alder and yew.
At this time of year, the key triggers for allergies are dust mites , mould and pets, rather than pollen.
Tip to try:
When you’re packing away the Christmas decorations at the start of the month, store them in sealed containers to avoid them becoming dusty – your December self will thank you!
February allergies
The weather may not have warmed up yet, but hayfever in February isn’t entirely uncommon. About 25% of people with hayfever in the UK are allergic to tree pollen, which is seasonal. Along with hazel and alder that begin releasing pollen in January, the pollen season for willow and elm trees starts in February. The end of February is peak season for pollen released by hazel trees.
With poor weather, most people will be spending the majority of their time indoors, where dust mites, mould and pets can trigger allergies.
March allergies
Hayfever in March is to be expected – after all, it’s the month that brings spring. The peak time for tree pollen from willow, elm, birch, poplar and alder is during this month. Many varieties of flowers also start to bloom around now, which means - you've guessed it - even more pollen.
Dust mites, mould and pets continue to be triggers indoors.
Tip to try:
Get into the habit of checking the pollen count on a daily basis, so that you’re always prepared.
April allergies
We’re slap bang in the middle of springtime this month, which brings a bonanza of pollen, making hayfever in April very common. Tree pollen season is in full swing, with birch, plane, ash and oak at their peak in terms of pollen release. Flowers are blooming too, bringing their pollen into the mix.
Indoors, dust mites, mould and pets are the main triggers.
Tip to try:
Early morning and early evening are peak pollen times during the day, so try to keep windows and doors closed to avoid pollen entering and travelling through the house.
May allergies
While the first few months of the year are when tree pollen season starts, now is typically the beginning of grass pollen season, so hayfever in May is very common. This will depend on your location – it starts later and doesn’t last as long in the north, compared to the south of Britain. Generally speaking, urban areas tend to have lower pollen counts than places in the countryside and inland areas tend to have higher pollen counts compared to those on the coast. Pine and oilseed rape tree pollen also peaks this month.
The usual suspects are still triggers indoors – dust mites, mould and pets.
Tip to try:
Minimise pollen levels in the home by keeping plants outside, and picking low- allergen plants such as honeysuckle, lavender and foxgloves for your garden.
June allergies
This is the month that brings with it the year’s first peak of grass pollen, which is usually in the first two weeks of June, but the timing can depend on the weather.
Generally, when temperatures are high and rainfall is low, pollen production is high. Pollen is at its peak for dock, nettle and lime trees this month. There’s a lot around that can trigger hayfever in June.
Within the home, dust mites, mould and pets continue to trigger allergies.
Tip to try:
Take a shower or have a bath before you go to sleep, to avoid transferring pollen onto your bedding.
July allergies
This is the month that grass pollen takes over from tree pollen as the prime allergen. Grass pollen affects around 90% of allergic rhinitis sufferers, so it is vital to check the pollen count regularly so you are informed and can take precautionary measures accordingly. Other plants are still a bother though, with nettle pollen at its peak during the month, and mugwort reaching its peak at the end.
As there is so much pollen outside, you may want to stay inside to avoid it, but dust mites, mould and pets can still trigger allergies here.
Tip to try:
Mowing the lawn causes disturbances that can increase levels of grass pollen, so avoid doing it yourself if you’re allergic.
August allergies
Mugwort and nettle pollen are still at their peak in the first week of August, and the grass pollen season is still at its peak until the middle of the month.
The indoor triggers of dust mites, mould and pets remain, but there may be an increase in mould spores this month as a result of harvesting.
Tip to try:
Wear wraparound sunglasses when pollen counts are at their highest to keep pollen out of your eyes.
September allergies
Grass pollen season and weed pollen season both end this month, and tree pollen should be minimal from now until the end of the year, so outdoor allergens shouldn’t cause too much hayfever in September.
Autumn allergies kick in during the later part of the month, as we switch seasons. The weather becomes cooler - and crucially, damper - which can increase airborne mould spores. Dust mites and pets are also triggers.
Tip to try:
As the leaves fall, keep on top of clearing them away to limit mould growth among fallen leaves.
October allergies
Most of the autumn allergies people experience in the UK are down to mould spores and dust mites. The damp weather increases the number of airborne mould spores, while fungal spores can be found both inside and outside the home. Outdoors, these are found mainly in woodland areas, forests and gardens, while inside, house dust, ripe fruit and house plant soil can all harbour fungi.
Indoors, pets are still an issue, alongside dust mites and mould spores.
Tip to try:
To limit moisture passing through the house, keep doors closed when cooking or showering.
November allergies
Hayfever in November isn't very common, as pollen shouldn’t be too much of an issue at this time of year. However, the combination of damp winter weather and having the heating on can create the perfect environment for dust mites and mould spores, so keep an eye on moisture levels in the house.
Tip to try:
Install an extractor fan in the bathroom to minimise steam.
December allergies
Symptoms of the common cold can mask symptoms of ‘winter allergies’ during the chillier months of the year. As there shouldn’t be much pollen around, you’re unlikely to experience traditional hayfever in December. However, dust mites, mould spores and pets can still trigger allergy symptoms.
Tip to try:
Use a damp cloth to wipe down any Christmas decorations that are dusty after being in storage all year. This is preferable to dry dusting, which can spread dust mites into the air.